Helloooooo! I’m Kara with Laughter Yoga Together.
I make videos that are freely accessible to all by sharing them on YouTube. My initial intention with Laughter Yoga Together was to make Laughter Yoga alone easy, accessible and fun.
My intention has since expanded: I make videos to help uplift people.

While creating Laughter Yoga videos, I started exploring and researching many complementary healing modalities. As a composer and singer-songwriter, I first started by writing Laughter Yoga sing-along songs to accompany the session videos. This led to sound healing piquing my interest, so I integrated specific healing frequencies and binaural beats into original compositions as backing tracks for Guided Laughter Meditations. This idea evolved into creating Affirmation Meditations with sound healing. With my new interest in positive affirmations, I combined them more directly with Laughter Yoga to create Laughermation exercises. On the way, I explored pranayama, ASMR and Tapping (EFT / Emotional Freedom Technique), typically mixing them with Laughter Yoga. (If you love sound healing, check out Thinkroot Energy.)
Every modality that I explore and share in videos has an important connection: HEALING.
That is how my initial intention naturally expanded to:
Helping uplift people through free videos that present Laughter Yoga Together with complementary healing modalities.
If my work brings you joy, you can make a one-time donation of support through PayPal or Credit Card. Thank you to all direct contributors, including Duncan Cook, Trinette & Chris Reed, Susan Freeland, Slash Coleman, Bianca Spears, and Muriel Craye.
Thank you for your interest in helping me help uplift people. I am grateful.