Kapalabhati: Laughter Yoga Pranayama Session

👋 Hello Laughter Friends! I’m very happy to share the first video in a new series that explores the deep breathing aspect of Laughter Yoga. Kapalbhati is a cleansing and energizing pranayama exercise. It improves digestion, helps remove excess belly fat, and cleans and strengthens the lungs. This video utilizes the methods learned from Dr. Madan Kataria, as well as the Department of Yoga Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Bangalore. 

A huge round of Gratitude Laughter goes out to Duncan Cook of Laughter Yoga Ontario for inspiring, guiding, and sponsoring this video. Duncan Cook is a Certified Master Trainer of Laughter Yoga and offers training/certification workshops with Carlos Gongora. Thank you, Duncan!

Our next collaboration for this series is Anulom Vilom and it is coming soon… I hope you enjoy this deep breathing practice. Have a wonderful day, breath deeply, and laugh on! 😄💗🙏

Kapalabhati: Laughter Yoga Pranayama Session
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