
Last Video of 2021: Releasing Resolutions

As the New Year approaches, many of us are deep into reflection mode. Maybe you hit all of your 2021 resolutions and you’re busy celebrating your awesome success (YAY!!!)… or maybe, like me and Bianca Spears… you didn’t.

Find out what went wrong for us and join us for some practices that you can use to rewire your mind, de-stress and give yourself a break from self beat-up.

And that’s the last video of the year!! 🤯

Thank you for supporting this project. Every view, like, comment, share, donation and Patreon member helps keep me going. I am so grateful.

I’ll be taking next week off from regular video releases to mentally regroup and make a plan for 2022. What types of videos do YOU think I should make? Do you have a favorite series? Let me know in the comments!

Happy New Year to you and yours!

With love and gratitude,

💗 Kara

p.s. Here’s a link to the Holiday Stress Relief Series.

New Series! Holiday Stress Relief (Collaboration with Bianca Spears)

You know all that stress and overwhelm the holiday season creates?!


Catch the first video from the Holiday Stress Relief Series with Bianca Spears today! It includes two of our favorite exercises: Yoga Nidra to reset + restore & Thymus Thump Laughter to boost your energy.

New series videos will be released every Tuesday in December. We’ll be sharing tips and techniques to help you to relieve stress, set better boundaries, create space for you, ditch traditions that stink and set yourself up for goal success in your year ahead!

❄ Subscribe to both of our channels and turn notifications on so you never miss new videos in this series:

Bianca SpearsLaughter Yoga Together

❄ Get a free download of the Yoga Nidra from this video and another practice later in the series when you join our mailing lists.

❄ Bookmark the Playlist.

Thank you for joining us!

With gratitude, love and laughter,

💗 Kara

Tapping Laughter Meditation: Stress Relief

Cover Art - Tapping Laughter Meditation - Stress Relief You can now find “Tapping Laughter Meditation: Stress Relief” on the music platform of your choice.

Try this Tapping Laughter Meditation to help you release stress. You can lower your cortisol levels by combining Tapping and Laughter Yoga. The background music includes soothing vocalizations and Alpha 8-12 Hz binaural beats with a base frequency of Solfeggio UT 396 Hz to reduce stress, lower cortisol and promote relaxation.

The album includes the the guided meditation and the instrumental mix.

When you buy this album on Bandcamp or become a patron on Patreon, you get a bonus 10 minute version of the instrumental.

“Tapping Laughter Meditation: Stress Relief” is available in all major digital music stores. I hope you enjoy and laugh on!

Tapping Laughter Meditation: Increase Joy and Happiness

Cover Art Increase Joy and Happiness

You know how I love combining different modalities? I’m quite excited about this combination of Laughter Yoga and tapping. And so… more meditations like this will be coming soon. Please let me know what you think!

This Tapping Laughter Meditation helps you open up to laughter when you don’t feel like laughing. You can release your resistance to laughter and increase joy and happiness by combining tapping (also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique) with Laughter Yoga. The background music includes Theta 6Hz binaural beats to promote creativity and inner peace, as well as a base frequency of Gamma 100 Hz to help increase joy.

The album includes the instructional track, the guided meditation and the instrumental mix. When you buy this album on Bandcamp, you get a bonus 10 minute version of the instrumental.

“Tapping Laughter Meditation: Increase Joy and Happiness” will be available in all major digital music stores (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) on July 30, 2021. Until then, you can stream the videos on YouTube, buy yourself a copy on Bandcamp, or join the Patreon community for only $3 a month (you can download this album AND the entire Laughter Yoga Together audio collection… for reals!).

If you're new to Tapping and/or Laughter Yoga, please watch this video first to learn what it's all about, why combining them is awesome, and how to tap.

And now... give this Tapping Laughter Meditation a try... and increase your joy and happiness now!

I really hope you enjoyed this. If you did, please share it with someone who would like it. Thank you so much. Laugh on!

Guided Laughter Meditation: Gamma Clarity and Joy

Joyful laughter immediately produces the same brain wave frequencies experienced by people in a true meditative state.

Laughter produces gamma brain wave frequencies! Isn’t that amazing?!!

Utilizing that fact, this Guided Laughter Meditation combines specific monaural gamma frequencies (30 to 100 Hz) for brainwave entrainment with laughter to help create a state of clarity and joy.

If you’re interested, you can download the meditation on Bandcamp. It includes versions with monaural beats and binaural beats, as well as instrumentals. It will be available everywhere (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) on July 9, 2021.

What do you think? I’m very curious to find out how it makes you feel. Thank you and laugh on!

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation Offers Complete Relaxation

Are you ready to experience complete relaxation?
It is with great pleasure that I present this Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation. Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice that provides complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. This 29 minute guided meditation includes setting your intention (Sankalpa), a body scan, breath awareness, and a beach visualization. It features a gentle, hypnotic soundtrack that I composed and designed to support the script and help you become deeply relaxed.
After you try the Yoga Nidra, please share your thoughts with a comment on YouTube. I’m very open and receptive to constructive feedback.
This video was specially commissioned for Laughter Yoga Canada Conference 2021. The conference takes place January 29-31 on Zoom and Facebook Live. And guess what? I’ll be there with a presentation. More details on that later! Check out the conference and register here. It’s open to the whole world! Thank you to Laughter Yoga Canada!
I sincerely hope this video provides total relaxation to everyone who tries it. Have a wonderful weekend and laugh on!

Take 5: Holiday Edition Laughter Yoga Session

👋 Hello Laughter Friends!

You’re invited to this Holiday Edition Take 5: Session 20 of the series where we do 5 Laughter Yoga exercises in 5 minutes. Come join the Holiday Party! What time, you ask? Anytime!

This Holiday Edition Laughter Yoga Session is ready for you when you need to get your laugh on.

🎄 Happy Holidays to all!

p.s. Have you heard the new Laughter Yoga holiday song? 🎅

I AM Affirmations for Health and Healing

👋 Hello Laughter Friends!

Our bodies are amazing! I wrote this affirmation meditation to support the health and healing of our amazing bodies.  This video is dedicated to my dear friend and Patron, Emily. Here’s hoping these affirmations help with her healing.

  1. I am healthy, whole, and complete.
  2. I am aligning myself with the healing energy of the universe.
  3. I am deserving of perfect health and wellbeing.
  4. I am in harmony with rapid, restorative healing.
  5. I am celebrating my vibrant mind and body.
  6. I am sending love and gratitude to every part of my body.
  7. I am open and receptive to perfect health now.
  8. I am inspired my body’s ability to repair and renew.
  9. I am vibrating with healing energy in every cell in my body.
  10. I am empowered by my strength and vitality.
  11. I am filled with gratitude for my resilient health and radiant energy.

I hope you enjoy this video! Here’s the growing playlist of affirmation meditations.

I wish you and yours a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.

OUT NOW: Holiday Time: 4 Elements of Joy

Cover Art - Holiday Time👋🏼Hello! You can now find “Holiday Time: 4 Elements of Joy” wherever you like to listen to music.

This uplifting ukulele song was written to help us take a Laughter Yoga approach to the holidays: focus on the 4 elements of joy! Laughing, dancing, singing, and playing are core components of Laughter Yoga, and you know what? These 4 elements of joy are also core components to all of my happy holiday memories. Let’s make more!

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, New Year’s Eve, and/or anything around or in between, this little ditty is sure to brighten your holiday!

With the COVID-19 pandemic still a serious active threat in many places around the world, many of us will not get to enjoy the same level of holiday merriment and physical togetherness that we prefer. Please hold strong. We can get through this together. Please use this song as a reminder of the fun times that lie ahead. And hey, physical distance and masks cannot keep you from laughing, dancing, singing, and playing (safely and remotely when necessary, of course)! I wish you very happy holidays and please laugh on!

“Holiday Time: 4 Elements of Joy” is available in all major digital music stores. I hope you enjoy! LAUGH ON!

Anulom Vilom: Laughter Yoga Pranayama Session

👋 Hello Laughter Friends! I’m very happy to share the second video in a new series that explores the deep breathing aspect of Laughter Yoga. Anulom Vilom is also called alternate nostril breathing (and alternate cross breathing). According to Laughter Yoga Founder, Dr. Madan Kataria, it is considered one of the best pranayama exercises because it brings physiological balance to your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

You can practice Anulom Vilom in the morning to start your day balanced, anytime you need to reduce stress and anxiety, and in the evening to relax. Many people, including me, experience a calming effect from Anulom Vilom.

I’m incredibly grateful to Duncan Cook of Laughter Yoga Ontario for inspiring, guiding, and sponsoring this video. Duncan Cook is a Certified Master Trainer of Laughter Yoga and offers training/certification workshops with Carlos Gongora. Thank you, Duncan!

A NEW Laughter Yoga SONG will be released this Friday, November 20th!! I’m super-excited for you to see the lyric video. Until then… have a wonderful day, breathe deeply & LAUGH ON!

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