
7 Minute Gratitude Affirmation Meditation

👋🏼 Hello Laughter Lovers!

This 7 minute Morning Gratitude Affirmations Meditation begins with 11 affirmations and ends with Laughter Meditation for one minute.

I created this shorter version (of this video) based on a request from Laughter Yoga Master Trainer Alexa on Facebook. (Thank you, Alexa!) Her request got me thinking about the structure of the original video… the laughter after each affirmation in the first version might be distracting to the affirmation crowd, who would otherwise fully enjoy the video. I do believe that folks who dig affirmations would very likely enjoy Laughter Yoga if they give it a chance. And so… I think the perfect way to introduce it is to conclude the Affirmation Meditation with Laughter Meditation. 

What do you think? Which format do you prefer?

Best Way to Start Your Day: Gratitude & Laughter

👋🏼 Hello Laughter Lovers!

I’m super-excited to share this new combination of gratitude affirmations and Laughter Meditation. Can you think of a better way to start your day than with gratitude and laughter?

It’s amazing to me how perfectly fitting these practices are together. Laughter instantly elevates your mood, increases your energy and motivation, and builds a positive, resilient mental state. Affirmations help you develop positive beliefs and turn them into reality. It feels like a serendipitous combination to me.

I’d LOVE to hear what you think. Do you enjoy this combo?

The Ultimate Healing DOSE of Transformation

Cover Art - Guided Laughter Meditation - Healing DOSE of Transformation👋🏼Hello! You can now find “Guided Laughter Meditation: Healing DOSE of Transformation” wherever you like to listen to music.

Laughter is a powerful healing technique. With this Guided Laughter Meditation, I combine specific audio frequencies and brainwave entrainment (binaural beats) with laughter to support healing and transformation. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

Take care and laugh on,

“Guided Laughter Meditation: Healing DOSE of Transformation” is available in all major digital music stores. I hope you enjoy! LAUGH ON!

PatreonBandcampSpotifyGoogle PlayApple MusicAmazon

Take 5 Laughter Session 11

👋🏼Hello Laughter Lovers!

Today Session #11 in the Take 5 Laughter Challenge Series is ready for you. We’ll do 5 Laughter Yoga exercises in 5 minutes. Give your self a BIG DOSE of those happy chemicals! (DOSE: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins)

📢 Shout out to patrons Trinette & Chris for suggesting more Take 5 videos!

On Tuesday, I’ll release a new Quick Seated Laughter Yoga Session. Until then, have a wonderful day and LAUGH ON!

Hands-Free Laughter Yoga Session #1

I’m excited to share this NEW CONCEPT with you!

This is a 15 minute audio Laughter Yoga session designed for those times when you need to laugh, but you’re on the move and need your hands fully available. You can use it when you’re in your car driving your daily commute, running errands, doing yardwork, or knocking out chores at home.

📢 Shout out to my wonderful patron Kendra Lay for inspiring this idea!

The audio will be available in all the digital music stores ASAP, but for now, you can download it on Bandcamp or stream it on YouTube.

Take this Hands-Free Laughter Yoga Session for a spin and get your laugh on anytime, anywhere!

Quick ASMR Laughter Yoga Session

👋🏼Hello Laughter Lovers!

Whisper laughing? Yassss… it’s time for a Quick ASMR Laughter Yoga session with no instructions, all action, and whisper laughing! Come relax tension with this chill session… you might even get those ASMR tingles!

Next week, I have something new for you on Tuesday. Let’s just say… you can do it while driving and it’s got a great beat! Until then… laugh on, friends!

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