
New Song: World Laughter Day Every Day

Happy World Laughter Day... EVERY DAY!

Cover Art - World Laughter Day Every Day Get your “ho ho ha ha” ready for this Laughter Yoga song and come sing along! “World Laughter Day Every Day” is an upbeat, joyous ukulele song that celebrates laughter and encourages world peace. Sharing laughter matters and YOU matter.

EVERYONE is welcome to use this song at your World Laughter Day events, virtual Laughter Clubs, local Laughter groups and to add some extra fun to your Laughter Yoga alone practice. If you would like to download all of my Laughter Yoga songs with instrumentals and lyric sheets, join us on Patreon.

Celebrating World Laughter Day Since 1998

World Laughter DayDid you know that World Laughter Day was created in 1998 by the Founder of Laughter Yoga, Dr. Madan Kataria? It is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of May every year. The purpose of this international holiday is to “build global awareness of health, happiness and world peace through the daily practice of Laughter Yoga.” Read Dr. Madan Kataria’s special message for 2022 here.

Available Everywhere

“World Laughter Day Every Day” is available in all major digital music stores, including Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube Music. I really hope you love this song. Laugh on!

With love, gratitude and laughter,
💗 Kara

New Music Soon: World Laughter Day Song

World Laughter DayWorld Laughter Day 2022 is coming up on May 1st. There are tons of wonderful Laughter Yoga events to attend. So I got to thinking… we need a theme song. And so, I offer you my contribution… a new World Laughter Day song!

“World Laughter Day Every Day” will be released everywhere on Friday, April 29th with a sing-along lyric video. If you’re one of my fabulous patrons, you can download the full song now (including the instrumental version & lyric sheet). And if you join us on Patreon for as little as $3, you can download it now, too.

EVERYONE is welcome to use the song at your World Laughter Day events.

I hope you love this song and sing-along! Be sure to watch the preview below.

And while you wait for the release, here are some of the most popular Laughter Yoga Together videos to check out.

Take care and laugh on!

💗 Kara

New Laughter Yoga Song: Laugh for Mental Health

Cover Art - Laugh for Mental Health Hellooooo Laughter Lovers!!

Come sing with me! I’m delighted to share this brand new Laughter Yoga song with you. It’s all about how Laughter Yoga can help with stress relief and support mental health. Please give it a listen, sing-along (you can totally join the chorus at the end) and let me know what you think.

And if you haven’t heard my other Laughter Yoga songs, this playlist is for you.

What do you think the topic for the next Laughter Yoga song should be?

Sending love and joy your way… laugh on! 

💗 Kara

p.s. You can find “Laugh for Mental Health” in all major digital music stores.

Tapping Laughter Meditation: Stress Relief

Cover Art - Tapping Laughter Meditation - Stress Relief You can now find “Tapping Laughter Meditation: Stress Relief” on the music platform of your choice.

Try this Tapping Laughter Meditation to help you release stress. You can lower your cortisol levels by combining Tapping and Laughter Yoga. The background music includes soothing vocalizations and Alpha 8-12 Hz binaural beats with a base frequency of Solfeggio UT 396 Hz to reduce stress, lower cortisol and promote relaxation.

The album includes the the guided meditation and the instrumental mix.

When you buy this album on Bandcamp or become a patron on Patreon, you get a bonus 10 minute version of the instrumental.

“Tapping Laughter Meditation: Stress Relief” is available in all major digital music stores. I hope you enjoy and laugh on!

Sound Healing Music Playlist

Each time I create a new Guided Laughter Meditation, Affirmations Mediation or EFT Tapping Laughter Meditation,  I compose music to sonically reinforce the message.  I integrate sound healing, like brainwave entrainment (binaural beats and monaural beats), for a holistic approach to the meditative experience. In doing so, a collection of instrumentals has accumulated. These can be utilized for meditation, yoga, studying, focusing on work, or relaxation.

3 Options to Hear Meditation Music

  1. YouTube: Here is a constantly growing Meditation Music Playlist that includes each instrumental as it’s released. 
  2. Patreon: When you support this project on Patreon, you get instant access to download all audio releases, including the instrumental meditation music.
  3. Music Sites (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.): You can find all of the meditation tracks wherever you listen to music.

Tapping Laughter Meditation: Increase Joy and Happiness

Cover Art Increase Joy and Happiness

You know how I love combining different modalities? I’m quite excited about this combination of Laughter Yoga and tapping. And so… more meditations like this will be coming soon. Please let me know what you think!

This Tapping Laughter Meditation helps you open up to laughter when you don’t feel like laughing. You can release your resistance to laughter and increase joy and happiness by combining tapping (also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique) with Laughter Yoga. The background music includes Theta 6Hz binaural beats to promote creativity and inner peace, as well as a base frequency of Gamma 100 Hz to help increase joy.

The album includes the instructional track, the guided meditation and the instrumental mix. When you buy this album on Bandcamp, you get a bonus 10 minute version of the instrumental.

“Tapping Laughter Meditation: Increase Joy and Happiness” will be available in all major digital music stores (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.) on July 30, 2021. Until then, you can stream the videos on YouTube, buy yourself a copy on Bandcamp, or join the Patreon community for only $3 a month (you can download this album AND the entire Laughter Yoga Together audio collection… for reals!).

If you're new to Tapping and/or Laughter Yoga, please watch this video first to learn what it's all about, why combining them is awesome, and how to tap.

And now... give this Tapping Laughter Meditation a try... and increase your joy and happiness now!

I really hope you enjoyed this. If you did, please share it with someone who would like it. Thank you so much. Laugh on!

OUT NOW: Gamma Clarity and Joy

Cover Art - Gamma Clarity and Joy You can now find “Guided Laughter Meditation: Gamma Clarity and Joy” wherever you like to listen to music.

This Guided Laughter Meditation includes gamma frequencies that gradually build from 30 to 100 hertz. These frequencies combined with laughter will help create a state of clarity and joy.

The 6 track album includes versions with monaural beats and binaural beats, as well as instrumentals.

“Guided Laughter Meditation: Gamma Clarity and Joy” is available in all major digital music stores. I hope you enjoy and laugh on!

OUT NOW: I Am Affirmations to Help You Sleep

Cover Art - Affirmations to Help You Sleep

Do you ever lie in bed… staring at the ceiling… wishing for sleep to come? Me, too.
I deeply hope this guided affirmation meditation helps.
I Am Affirmations to Help You Sleep” is designed to help calm your mind and prepare you for a relaxing, deep sleep.

The album includes a 10 minute guided meditation and the instrumental version.

“I Am Affirmations to Help You Sleep” is available in all major digital music stores. Sleep well and laugh on!

OUT NOW: Hands​-​Free Laughter Yoga Session 3: Laugh Along Anywhere

Cover Art - Hands-Free 3Hello! You can now find “Hands​-​Free Laughter Yoga Session 3: Laugh Along Anywhere” wherever you like to listen to music.

Whether you’re driving your car, running errands, or doing chores, you can laugh for the health of it RIGHT NOW. Ready? Join me for this 14.5 minute hands-free session.

Find “Hands​-​Free Laughter Yoga Session 3: Laugh Along Anywhere” in your favorite digital music store. I hope you enjoy! LAUGH ON!

OUT NOW: Yoga Nidra: Beach Visualization

Cover Art - Yoga Nidra - Beach Visualization👋🏼Hello! You can now find “Yoga Nidra: Beach Visualization” wherever you like to listen to music.

Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice that provides complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. This 29 minute guided meditation includes setting your intention (Sankalpa), a body scan, breath awareness, and a beach visualization. I composed a soft, hypnotic soundtrack to help you become very relaxed.

The video was Specially Commissioned for:
Laughter Yoga Canada Conference 2021.

“Yoga Nidra: Beach Visualization” is available in all major digital music stores. I hope it brings you deep relaxation.

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